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 Flavio Rossi  

Flavio Rossi (1979) has a bachelor degree in Fine Arts from PUC-Campinas, Brasil. It was his father that first encouraged him to start drawing. At the beginning of his career he was an illustrator then moved onto painting and sculpture and other mediums. 

Flavio published his first works at the Superinteressante magazine. Later on, he illustrated important Brazilian magazines, such as Playboy, Vip, Exame, Veja, Placar, Caros Amigos, Info Corporate, Saúde, Mundo Estranho, Terra, among others. 

O Cavaleiro
Tres Amigos

Other important publications were with Correio Popular (Campinas), Diário do Povo (Campinas), Agora São Paulo (SP), Folha de São Paulo(SP) and O Pasquim21(RJ), a newspaper published by Ziraldo. 

Flavio has been presented with many national and international humor awards like the Latin American Humour Contest of Piracicaba and has been selected to the jury nowadays. Flavio was  awarded by the International Humor Contest of Piauí, International Humor Contest of Rio de Janeiro, International Humor Contest of Pernambuco, International Humor Contest of Caratinga-MG, International Humor Contest of Volta Redonda, National Humor Contest of Montes Claros and finally, the Humor Bienal of Cuba.


Everyman Art Gallery represents Flavio Rossi in the UK. 

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